Signal Processing in Networking and Communications

About us

We are a group of about 20-25 people affiliated with the ECE Dept. at the University of Minnesota, with expertise and focus on Signal Processing (SP) and Statistical Learning research and development projects In Network (N) Science and Communication (COM) systems. On par with the dramatic upswing in wireless telecommunications and information technology worldwide, our SPiNCOM team contributes enthusiastically its "basic research and education bits" towards realizing the dream of "communicating with anyone, anywhere, anytime."

The group consists of one full-time and nominally 1-2 research and visiting faculty members, additional affiliated ECE faculty, 2-3 postdoctoral researchers, three undergraduate and MSc students, and 10-12 PhD students working on their theses. Historically, SPiNCOM started with the SPIRIT group at the University of Virginia (1987-1998) that performed research in theory, algorithms, and applications of statistical signal processing, pattern recognition, and time-series analysis (specific subjects included (poly) spectral analysis, wavelets, cyclostationary, and non-Gaussian signal processing with applications to SAR, sonar, array, and image processing). Since 1994, the spirit and now SPiNCOM group has shifted emphasis towards wireless, mobile telecommunications and networking research. Most recently, emphasis is placed on sparsity-aware algorithms, wireless sensors, cognitive radios, social, gene-regulatory, and power grid networks.

Research funding comes from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Army Research Office (ARO), the Army's Research Lab (ARL), the AirForce Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), and the Office of Naval Research (ONR); we are thankful to all our sponsors for their support through the years. So far, more than a dozen undergraduate theses, 20 MSc theses, and 40 PhD theses have been completed. Our past members now hold positions in academia, federal government labs, and the signal processing, machine learning, and telecommunications industry.

We invite you to visit our people web pages, check our publications, and if your plans bring you close to our neck of the woods, please drop by to say Hi and if interested, join also our weekly seminar series. Welcome to our home page!

Georgios B. Giannakis

Endowed ADC Chair Professor

on Wireless Telecommunications